Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Please pray...

On the AOH board last night, there was an urgent request for prayer for a little Liberian boy named Diamond. He is just 2 years old, has cerebral palsy and is battling pneumonia in the hospital. They did not expect him to make it through the night but by God's grace, he is still hanging on.
Today, Donna who was our primary contact at AOH, revealed that God has put this little boy on her and her husband's heart. They have been praying about adopting him for some time and then learned of his sudden decline. These are the parents of 10 children so the fact that they are even considering adopting again is quite a miracle!
Please pray for God to miraculously rescue this little boy so that he may know the love of a family! I will keep you posted.
Praying for a miracle,
Mama B.

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