Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Waiting on Him...

The operative word continues to be WAIT...we do have some tentative travel dates for the children but I will not share them until we have a signed passport since it is all hinging on that :)
So....until then, we are pressing on with school and daily life. I did want to share a beautiful picture friends surprised us with last nite'.It is in our kitchen where we can enjoy it all day long! How appropriate that they chose the picture that says, "Love is Patient"...I need to be reminded of that not in simply waiting for a passport but when several children are interuppting a phone call, or all 4 talking over each other to get their needs known, when a child decides he/she would rather be doing anything other than schoolwork~ you get the picture!....opportunities abound to put this into practice. Lord, help me to grow in showing patient love!!

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