Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lessons in the storm...

The other morning during the first storm (last Saturday), Mercy climbed into bed with me and was gazing out the window in wonder as the snow fell. She remarked about the fact she had learned that every snowflake is unique and then asked,"Mommy, what if God runs out of ideas?" What a great question ... I was able to remind her of the truths we have been memorizing from the Gospel Primer:
"My God is immense beyond imagination, He measured the entire universe with merely the span of His hand... He is unimaginably awesome in all His perfections...."

We talked about how it is impossible to wrap our finite brains around these truths. While He is sustaining the universe, keeping the planets spinning in their orbits, He is also fashioning a bazillion unique snowflakes during this storm. And even more amazingly, He is intimately involved in the details of our lives simultaneously...even knowing when a single hair falls from our heads. Truly amazing!!

The kiddos during the first big storm over the weekend~

Yes, this is our firstborn, skiing in the backyard the night of the first storm...and yes, he is NOT wearing a coat...where is his mother??

This was the view from our back window today during a lull in the "Blizzard of 2010"!

A glimpse out our front door... that's a ton of snowflakes...each uniquely fashioned by our amazing God!!!
Tomorrow it's time for the big "Dig Out"!!

1 comment:

mb said...

That Mercy sure has some big thoughts, eh? And the Lord is faithful to give you such wisdom to lend her, too. Tks for sharing, ttfn,mb