Saturday, November 28, 2009

Run for African Relief...

We wanted to thank you for your support of Covenant Mercies through our run in Saratoga. It was a fun time with over 2500 participants in the Memorial race on Thanksgiving morning. We finished the 5K in 32:56. Because of your generosity we were able to raise over $600 for the children of Africa. Over the past few months there have been a total of 22 other runners participating in the Run for African Relief at various venues throughout the country and through these combined efforts, over $16,000 have been raised for Covenant Mercies and their work with the children of Africa! If you would like more information about Covenant Mercies, you can visit their website' here. Below are pictures of race day!

These cool gizmos attached to our shoes and actually registered when we crossed the finish line ~

The mob before the race started...over 2500 people participated. It took a little while to even cross the starting line as we all moved together in one big blob!

Phew, we made it...

One of my brother's friend snapped this picture moments after my hubby and I crossed the finish line. My brother was already recovered and waiting for us...if we are able to visit again over Thanksgiving we'll have to attempt this run again~ maybe with more training, I'll actually keep up with my bro'!! I'm sure my hubby could have but he stuck by my side :)

After the race, there was free food and water offered to the participants in a local hotel right near the finish felt good to drink,eat, and sit!

The day our matching "Turkey Trot" shirts :)

Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mercy!!

Mercy's birthday celebrations took place over 2 days. The Thursday before she turned 8, both sets of grandparents joined us for our traditional birthday celebration. That evening, Mercy went home with Mimi and Pop-Pop and she enjoyed them all to herself for an entire day. On her actual birthday we were able to go to Coco Key for free and then Miss. Britt came home with us to present Mercy with a very special group effort gift which I will tell you about in another post.Our spicy girl certainly adds life to the B household. She can light up a room with her smile and when she is around, there is sure to be something interesting taking place :) She is bold and unafraid of meeting new people...In my mind's eye, I can see her one day in the future, living up to her middle name, Evangeline, which means 'bringer of good news'. I pray that she will one day take the good news of Jesus Christ to many. Right now, we pray and trust that the Lord will settle the issues of her heart and help her to come to terms with leaving Liberia and fully embracing her life here. It has been a challenging year for her but what a comfort to know that God is at work and that He is altogether wise and good in sovereignly adding our Mercy to the B family!

Happy Birthday to Mercy!!

Mercy loves this game Go Travel Africa-It is similar to 'Go Fish" but you ask for neighboring countries-it definitely hones the geography skills...I purchased it before Mercy and Odesco came home and their reading skills are finally at a level where we can all play it. I'm grateful that Mercy loves to learn about Africa...she asked me to teach her the Geography Song for Africa. I hope to learn it with her this summer when I have a few more braincells to work with!

The birthday girl with her godly grandparents...what a rich heritage she has!

Mercy requested a sunflower cake and Mimi obliged...isn't it pretty?! In case you're wondering,the flower petals are made from heated and flattened Starbursts. Grandmom B also brought her famed brownies and pumpkin bread...yes lots of carbs and sweets but no B birthday celebration is complete without these goodies!

Hot sauce...only Mercy would be thrilled to receive this in her gift bag!!

Mercy and Miss Britt at Coco Keys...we were able to enjoy several hours there with a group of friends and we all were admitted for Free!!

Here are a few pictures from Mercy's special time with Mimi and Pop-Pop...
Mercy is creating a bag out of fabric that was given to us from Liberia.

Mimi is a great instructor...

What a fun memory for make this bag out of a pair of jeans with Mimi...just like G did on her birthday in April.

Homeward bound with her homemade crafts~

On their way home, Mimi and Pop-Pop treated Mercy to a dinner at Friendlys...she was thrilled that the staff sang to her !

Happy Birthday, Mercy!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

He Redeems the Day!

Odesco was having a rough day (putting it mildly) and he needed to stick close to his Mama while the others went to Mrs. Di's for a few hours so I could run errands. Needless to say, my boy was NOT a happy camper...he was sullen and mad. On our way to the Di's, I confess my heart was lamenting..."can't we just have one peace filled day without meltdowns, conflict, and stress?!"After dropping the others off, we stopped at BJ's and I felt the Lord prompt me to give him what he did not we shared a soda together. Slowly, he started to soften. He helped me run errands...pushed the cart, counted the cans of pumpkin, kept track of how much I spent at Produce Junction, and then we came home to make Mercy's belated birthday meal of meatloaf. Odesco was in his glory as he helped me prepare it without having to share the smiley boy was back :) Sure, there are consequences for the choices made earlier in the day but the Lord redeemed it for both of us...I'd love peace and smooth sailing days but then the Lord would not have the opportunity to show up in all His glory...don't you just love it when the Lord redeems the day??

Adoption Benefit Concert

Religion that God our father accepts as pure and fautless is to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

On Sunday evening our family attended an Adoption Benefit Concert for our very special friend, Miss K(Mr and Mrs. Di's oldest daughter), who is in the process of adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia. It was a night filled with beautiful music, sacred dance, worship, and God's heart for the oppressed and orphaned. Mercy and Odesco and many other adopted children had the privilege of participating in an Adoption Children's Choir (this is the 3rd time this group has performed). It was an amazing night celebrating the gift of adoption and reminded me once again of the miracle of adoption in our own lives.

Mercy and Miss K~

How precious it was to hear these children sing 'He knows My name"-what a powerful song!... there were children from China, Korea, Vietnam, Russia, and of course, Liberia :) They were all dressed in outfits from their countries of birth~

So thankful to be adopted into God's family and to have the privilege to take part in the miracle of adoption in our own home~

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Snapshots of grace...

Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers(and sisters!) live together in unity!
Psalm 133:1

Taste testing my attempts at Liberian Potato Green soup...they conferred and decided it tastes just like they remember :)

Quietly drawing together before bedtime ~

Mercy helping G with her hair after bath time~
She combed it out and even blew it dry!

Because our 4 youngest are so close in age, share rooms, and are together almost all the time, sweet times of 'dwelling in unity' do not go unappreciated or unnoticed!! Thank you Lord for another snapshot of grace :)