Since we began school a few weeks ago life has been 'full steam ahead!' We have been super busy with C's Fall ball (baseball-first time he has played in the fall), P's first year on township soccer, Homeschooler's Day out each Wednesday, history coop every other Friday, homeschool soccer on Thursdays... and of course, just life :) I uploaded all my pictures to the computer and realized it's been awhile since I've posted... Today was a challenging day and I needed to see these pictures and rejoice in the great things He has done and is doing in our midst. How easily I can lose sight of that and fall into discouragement and, here are a few 'snapshots of grace' from the past few weeks....
Staying dry and keeping entertained at P's first soccer game...all new to us!
Snuggling to stay stay warm at another soccer game...
L and Odesco were playing ball and you can see Odesco's forehead took a hit---yikes!!! Our good friend Dr. Di checked him out and felt it was just a hematoma...we kept and eye on him and he seemed just fine. A week later, there is still a small bump evident.Thankfully, L's head was just fine...
C pitching 'under the lights'...'Fall Ball' another first for our family!
G keeping busy at her big brother's ball game :)
Who says yard work can't be fun?!! Wheelbarrow rides in Daddy's Father's Day gift :)
Mercy wore a helmet...just in case!
Sweet sibling moments melt this Momma's heart....
Another 'snapshot of grace'...the younger crowd playing cards peacefully! together :)!! is good to be reminded of the goodness of the Lord in my midst--especially on one of 'those days'...
The guys on Labor Day...literally~ working with Daddy on splitting wood in preparation for a cold winter~
I love seeing these 2 working together...
Mimi and Pop-Pop are back from Indiana!! Here Pop-Pop is helping Mercy with her flashcards...we are trying to get Mercy in 'mental math' mode but here she is counting on fingers and toes....sigh :)!!
Knitting class at HDO...these girls put me to shame!
L's first in home Art lesson with Miss Gina...he is so excited for this!!
Goofy kiddos...preparing for their first Homeschool soccer practicea few weeks they all had their first game. All 6 of the kids play...makes for an interesting game day with kids on 4 different fields in the same complex...There was much rejoicing today as most of the kiddos scored at least one goal...including L--a first for him!!!
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