Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23
The next morning I was bracing myself for another challenging day filled with 'aftershocks' and much to my delight, I was greeted by an affectionate, much more peaceful little girl.At church on Sunday, this verse was read and I was reminded of how the Lord used this to keep me anchored during the ups and downs of waiting for Mercy and Odesco to come home. It was a timely reminder for me to anchor my hope in Him alone as circumstances can sometimes cause my hope to waver...yet when my hope is stayed on Him, I am where He wants me to be. Last week was probably one of the most challenging since those first days of transition. I was reminded afresh that our family is not on this journey alone....last Wednesday, in a very public setting, our dear Mercy had a major meltdown. The storm clouds were brewing all week with many squalls each day but this was the biggie!! By God's grace, because this occurred at a public park and in the midst of our annual homeschool planning meeting, I was surrounded by people who love me and our precious daughter. Immediately, the agenda of the meeting changed gears so that prayers were lifted up on our behalf , others went into action helping me gather my belongings so I could remove Mercy from the situation and get her home-QUICKLY!! ....other friends coordinated rides home for the remaining 5 children and helped me remove their carseats from the van...it is amazing to consider how the Lord provided for our every need in the midst of a very challenging time. He is a God of the details!! By God's grace, Odesco, L and G transitioned well to the shift in plans and had a wonderful time at my gracious friend's home all afternoon...the big boys went home with another family, so for the other 5 kiddos this was a wonderful day....they were even fed dinner before being returned home. What a huge blessing to have so much uninteruppted time with Mercy alone...I prayed in the car on the way home after this major incident as I was desperate for God's wisdom to direct our afternoon. I was physically and emotionally spent...selfishly, I wanted to go off by myself and get recharged.Truthfully, I also admit I wanted to withdraw from the issues at hand...I honestly did not want to spend the afternoon alone with my emotionally charged daughter (a sad but honest confession). My heart was not thinking in terms of 'restoration' but God is a God who restores and redeems. He had other plans....I sensed that I was to spend 1:1 time with Mercy bathing her, reading to her and doing her hair. I kept thinking of the verse, 'It's your kindness that leads to repentance'... As she soaked in the tub, I read her a few books and we talked about what was going on in her heart. Basically , Mercy admitted that she wants to be back in Liberia...specifically at Acres of Hope. I am so grateful that Mercy's memories of her time at AOH are so positive and that she holds the nannies and 'aunties' there in such high regard. But, this does pose a dilemma in her little confused heart. I spoke about several of her special caregivers by name (since she mentions them often) and assured her that each one of these people would want her right here with us...that AOH was a 'stopping place' on her way to her forever family. I also reminded her that most of her AOH friends were no longer in Liberia but now with their new families. One of the books I was reading to her spoke of 'blooming where you are planted' and God kindly dropped a picture into my mind to share with Mercy. I told her that God in His wisdom and kindness chose to dig up Mercy's roots in Liberia and to transplant her here with us. I told her that we( and her siblings, extended family, and the many others who regularly show love and acceptance to her) are like the water... used by God to nurture, instruct, love, protect and train her in the ways of the Lord. Then I reminded Mercy of our thirsty pansies when we have not watered them well...they wilt and look as if they will die but perk back up as soon as the roots are able to soak up the water. We spoke of her heart being like those roots and that in order for her to soak up the water of the soil she is now planted in, she will need to start believing that God knows best and has lovingly placed her here in our family. We talked about the anger and sadness she is feeling and that these emotions need to be expressed through talking...not through out of control behavior. I spent close to 3 hours twisiting and beading her hair so there was plenty of time for talking. She grew angry again later when she learned that one of the consequences for her unwise choices was to go to bed before one of our beloved babysitters arrived so that my hubby and I could go to caregroup. We considered cancelling our evening plans but decided that this consequence would be appropriate and we (me especially) needed to be there! So, after dinner and prayers, it was bedtime for our little girl. She was not a happy camper and she knew she was not to get out of bed for any reason other than using the 'commode', as she calls it ... we expected a phone call at caregroup informing us that storm clouds were brewing once again but thankfully, Miss Mercy obeyed and eventually fell asleep. This was a major victory!
After our morning routine, Mercy and I drew out the story(picture primitive stick figures...but, she got it!) described above and put it in page protectors for her to look at often. I only did this because on Tuesday of the same week I was speaking with another adoptive mom who suggested 'storyboarding' as a means to help Mercy work out some of the issues she has been facing. Again, God's timing is perfect...this never would have even been a thought had that conversation not taken place. Since then, this idea of 'blooming where God plants you" has come up many times. Today in "Leading Little Ones to God", the lesson was about Joseph and how God always works things for our good (and ultimately, His glory!)... and we spoke again about how this relates to her life.In the past week, we have also transplanted azaleas and repotted pansies...another great living picture of God transplanting her here.
In His timely kindness, the Lord has reminded me of numerous promises I believe He spoke to my heart while we were in the waiting stages last fall. Also, I finally found a journal I was searching for from May 2005..before we even began the official adoption process but knew God was directing us to Liberia. At that time I wrote down a few of the promises I believe He had in store for our 'to be adopted' children. Reading this again infused my heart with faith -it was no coincidence that I finally found this journal at this time...this is by no means an easy road and yet His grace is paving the way.... truly He is about transforming broken hearts and reflecting His image in the lives of His children. As my friend Kim reminded me...the very fact that so many were there to witness "that day" will make the days when God's glory is shining through Mercy , that much more glorious. It is a tricky time for us...knowing that there is definate grieving and anger resulting from all Mercy and Odesco have lived through and yet there need to be boundaries regarding approriate expressions of these mixed emotions . June 2nd will mark the kids' 6th month anniversary since their homecoming...it truly is no surprise that there are still huge issues to work through and yet, there are so many evidences of His amazing grace in their lives already.
Odesco is doing well... he also has bouts of anger here and there but nothing like we experienced his first days home. Often throughout the day, he runs up behind me to give me a spontaneous squeeze...he is a snuggle boy and I love it! He also does the 'Boo-Boo' (aka: Monkey) trick where he wraps his arms around my neck and totally supports his weight without any help from me...comes in handy when my hands are full!! He , L and C had 'buddy' time this morning for over an hour...it does my mommy heart such good to see their brother bonds continuing to blossom!!
Homeschool is winding down although we still try to do some work every day...now I am in planning mode for next fall...I'll be teaching 2 kindergarteners, 1 2nd grader, 1 5th grader, 1 7th grader and a preschooler ...thankfully, the big boys are almost independent with most of their work so I can focus a bit more on the little ones as they learn the 3 R's :)!! The kids are all looking forward to pool days (ought to be interesting-I have never seen Mercy and Odesco around water except in the bathtub!!) and fun visiting Mimi and Pop- Pop at their trailer in Indiana.I am looking forward to the change in routine that the summer brings and trust that the Lord will give me everything I need to begin schooling 2 more kiddos in the fall...I'm grateful to have all summer to work out the details :)!!
Thanks for stopping by,
Remembering again, that He who promised is faithful,
Mama B.