Tuesdays are homeschool ski days around here for the big guys . It is always a challenge to prepare the little ones' hearts for some of their siblings to be leaving with Daddy at 6:30am and not returning until 8:30 pm. While I want them to be able to enter into the joy of their siblings, I also recognize the challenge it is for them to feel 'left behind'. I have decided to be somewhat purposeful with these Tuesdays attempting to make them special without creating an 'entitlement mentality'( a demanding expectation!) in the ones staying behind. Below are some of the memories we made together while the big boys (and G went along last week) were 'hitting the slopes!' I must admit it has been fun to have a break in the winter routine... fun to take the time to visit the library, read aloud on the couch (non-school related!), and visit with friends. Today we had a 'picnic' in the living room followed by bike riding to our neighborhood school so that I could vote in the Presidential Primary. I brought all 4 in the booth with me...I had visions of Odesco enjoying all the fun buttons(remember the fire alarm incident?!) We had a little chat before entering the building that only Mommy touches the machine-Phew we made it out of there without incident! So, we had gym class and a civics lesson without any effort :)!! Right now, the littles are having 'quiet' craft time at the kitchen table. (Quiet and craft are 2 words that don't go together in our house- !!) Anyhow, they are decorating paper plates, covering them with waxed paper and convinced that they will be able to eat off them, wash them and reuse them....I'm not sure why or how they came up with this idea since we have plenty of kiddie plates in the cabinet but it has kept them busy long enough for me to post this and they are insisting they will clean up the mess, so I'm not complaining :)
My heart was full today as I sat outside in the mild weather watching the 4 little ones riding their bikes around our cul-de sac. I truly am grateful for the privilege of staying home with this gang...in spite of the challenges, there's no place I'd rather be!
With a grateful heart,
My heart was full today as I sat outside in the mild weather watching the 4 little ones riding their bikes around our cul-de sac. I truly am grateful for the privilege of staying home with this gang...in spite of the challenges, there's no place I'd rather be!
With a grateful heart,
Week #2
My friend Jen takes 'purposeful' to another level...I thought just getting the kiddos together was planning enough but she actually prepared a craft for all the littles...Eric Carle style( author of many books-The very Hungry Caterpillar is probably the most well known)... that's what I love about homeschooling alongside of all my wonderfully gifted friends...I learn and glean so much and often my kids directly benefit :) Thanks, Jen.
Just look at these masterpieces...
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