Don't let his tiny size fool you...what he lacks in stature, he makes up for in spunk and spirit!!
While the older kids were learning upstairs, the little ones were having a grand time of controlled chaos in the basement.
People often ask what the younger ones do during school time. Well, after I have finished with their 1:1 time, they work on activities...yep, these times often challenge my love for order but it keeps them busy and out of harm's way and it gives them ample opportunity to practice their clean up skills!!
* L has definitely been showing signs of anxiety regarding his upcoming surgery (scheduled for 10/31-please pray!). He is easily provoked to anger, very whiny and just overall not himself. He is able to articulate and attribute these outbursts to his fears ("I just can't stop thinking about it and I have a plan...I'm going to hide under my covers so that I don't have to go!!") but is frequently reminded that 'choices have consequences' and God still holds him accountable for his sin. By God's grace, 'Thankful eyes' helped me yesterday to see the many opportunities to point my little boy to the compassion and faithfulness of a loving heavenly Father who will comfort and carry him during this time. I am also really sensing that this is part of the 'making of the man' for our little guy...that God is doing a mighty work in his little heart and will use this experience to grow his faith and secure his trust to anchor him in the years ahead. I am asking God for grace to deal graciously and patiently with L in his "high maintenance mode" and that the Lord would supernaturally grant him peace to walk through this scary time. Daddy has been having sweet talks with our little man as well assuring him that trusting in a sovereign God is the only way to have peace...tough truths for an adult to consistently put into practice and even more challenging for a 5 year old
*On Monday I learned from Amazon. com that they suspected fraudulent activity in my account and closed it . Curious, I checked my paypal account 'just in case' and learned that a huge wad of money had been charged to my account for jewelry and other stuff! By God's grace, 'thankful eyes' helped me to be grateful that this was caught early and that the charges were reversed. Had I not received that Amazon email, I would not have known about the paypal mess. The hassles of spending much time on the phone( and the kiddy chaos resulting from a distracted mommy) , paled in comparison to the hassles that would have surely ensued had the problem not been identified so early!!
*Yesterday, Mercy in her typical enthusiastic( but just a wee bit impulsive) manner wanted to 'help' me as I prepared to turn the mixer on to make pumpkin bread. Only problem is she pushed the lever to '10'( before I could instruct her to start at the lowest setting and gradually increase the mixer speed)-This sent flour and pumpkin goop all over her hair, shirt, the cabinets, and counter. By God's grace 'thankful eyes' helped me to actually laugh, snap a picture, and rejoice that she was in the process of undoing her hair in preparation for the next hair style. How grateful I was that this did not occur after I had just spent the typical 4 hours doing her hair!!! I definitely would have failed that test and am grateful for God's kind timing!
* Right now, we are in 'remodel mode' as M gutted our powder room on Sunday due to a chronic leak and a much needed face lift since this room has not been improved (aside from a new toilet seat and wallpaper!) since we moved in 14+ years ago... Remodel mode means that the family room is now home to all of the contents of the old bathroom(except the toilet...I'm grateful for that :)) and the living room is now home to the sink and cabinets soon to be installed. Typically, my idol of order would be rearing its ugly head... I still feel it lurking around under the surface of my peace & order craving heart, but by God's grace I am choosing to focus instead on being grateful for my hubby's handyman giftings and the expert help of DaddyK (Jenkin's and Felicia's Dad) who gets a job done in a hurry. Oh, I'm thankful also for the fun of choosing a new wall color, towels, throw rug, and a trash can!!!
* Upstairs is also very disorganized as we pulled down the 10 bins from the attic in order to do the labor intensive clothing switchover for all 8 of us. God's prodding to look with " thankful eyes" has helped me to see the immense blessing of all of those bins which typically feel like endless work and blessed we are to have such generous neighbors, family and friends who graciously gift us with hand me downs to clothe the kiddos year after year!!! God has provided with such an abundance that we are often sending huge overflowing bag loads out the door to bless another family :) In fact, I have 2 large bags awaiting our annual homeschool clothing swap and I'm not even near finished yet :)
Now, I wish I could report that every 'opportunity' has been viewed with 'thankful eyes'...unfortunately, more times than not, my gaze is less than thankful -often viewing these God given 'opportunities' as unwanted interruptions. Or, my view is skewed by unbelief instead of viewing the goodness and wisdom of God in the midst of the challenge. So, for now, I am praying for the grace to view all things with 'thankful eyes' as I seek to honor Him with a growing meek and quiet spirit.
We would be so blessed if you would pray our little man L and his upcoming surgery on Wednesday. As I type, he is snuggling with Daddy on the recliner chair, watching the World Series and eating a chocolate chip cookie...attempts at drifting off to sleep were futile as he crashed this afternoon and took a much needed 2 hour nap. Now he is quite chatty and not at all sleepy! Thankfully, everyone else is in bed :) We are actually letting him sleep with us tonight since he has been waking up fretful and seems he just needs a little extra TLC right now :) Shh...don't let the other kiddos know!!!
I'll try to update after his surgery on Wednesday...
Thanks for praying and continuing to check in~
Praying for grace to grow in viewing 'those moments' through 'thankful eyes'...
Love, Mama B
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