Well, I just packaged up and mailed off Mercy and Odesco's 9 month post placement reports and pictures...it truly is a work of God that has brought about so many changes in just 9 short months. On our counter, we have a monarch caterpillar hungrily munching on tons of milkweed in preparation for the miracle of its anticipated transformation into a gorgeous vibrant butterfly. Looking at that striped critter gorging on dried out leaves reminds me of the transforming work still to take place in the lives and hearts of our little Liberians. While there have been so many evidences of God's transforming power in their lives already, there are still many reminders (on a daily basis!) of the work He is yet to do. I look forward to watching the butterflies emerge!!
I thought it would be an appropriate time to look back over the pictures which seem to chronicle God's work in our midst!!
Thanks for checking in~
To God be the glory great things He has done and will continue to do!!
THEN: 'Auntie' Melodie with Felicia, Jenkins, Odesco and Mercy before their trip to America...they look utterly confused, frightened, and not too happy :(
NOW!! Jenkins and Odesco~I just love this picture...such a contrast from the pictures we received while we were awaiting their homecoming!!This picture just seems to shout,"JOY!!"
Mercy has such a soft spot for sweet Felicia and is quite the nurturing friend!
Jenkins and Odesco: such good buddies! And they always have their arsenal of swords and dressups on hand when they are together!!
Miss Felicia with our gang during a playdate at our house...what a blessing to have the K family on this journey with us and what a gift to our children to have a 'Liberian Connection' right here!
How blessed are my kiddos?! Their friend and beloved babysitter, Brittany planned a special Prince/Princess party for these 4 complete with food gifts, and a craft. ( I won't tell you how many mini hotdogs a certain little girl ingested!) After they were done being royalty, they changed into 'regular' clothes and jumped on the trampoline then into the pool to cool off! Thanks Miss Brittany for making a precious memory for these 4!!!
This weekend we defrosted our big freezer ...the kids had a blast as Daddy formed snowballs for them from the buildup on the coils. ICE...now that's an entity we often take for granted. These 2 lived in a country with no electricity, no running water. Occasionally the orphanage ran a generator but for the most part, they lived in the smoldering heat with little respite.
A few days ago, Mercy mastered riding her 2 wheeler without training wheels or the steadying hand of Daddy!!
A year ago, the only water these 2 had opportunity to immerse themselves in were tubs of pumped water used for bathing at AOH...now, they are both able to swim without lifejackets...what a fun summer they had and how quickly they learned :)
Our little man!! I remember how eager I was to see a real smile as we awaited photos from AOH..often, Odesco seemed to have smiling eyes but only a reserved smirk...That's why I now love whenever he flashes those pearly whites!
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