Two years ago we saw this choir perform (different children but same organization). We went with the Kachs then too and I so remember the ache in our hearts as we went without our African children. When we put the date on the calendar in 2006 we fully expected our children to be home with us but that was not part of the Lord's perfect timing. My heart was so full to be able to enjoy this night with them joining us in 2008. We have been listening and watching the video of the choir for 2 years so Mercy and Odesco were very excited to be going.
The evening was extra special with a meal shared before hand at the Kachs...after the performance we stopped at Mcd's for a snack and then the kiddos began scheming. Before we knew it, Jenkins and Stephen B were sleeping over at our house and Mercy and G were invited to spend the nite' at the Kachs. In the end, G decided to stay home with us and had some special time staying up late with Mommy making pancakes to fill hungry bellies effortlessly the next morning. This was a first for Mercy and I think G regretted her decision to stay back but we were able to have some special 1:1 time baking pumpkin bread on Saturday morning which took the edge off :) Mercy had a ball with J and Felicia and Jenkins and our boys did quite well too.
We hope to make the Watoto outing an annual event (as long as their schedule continues to bring them to our part of the country on a regular basis.)
Enjoy the pictures~
Felicia, Jenkins and Odesco before the performance. All 3 are wearing the new necklaces purchased for them here. I especially liked the African mural behind them.
It is definitely overwhelming to see how the Lord has moved upon their hearts ~that in the midst of heartbreak they joyfully declare the mercies of God !