Well, Christmas is officially over in the B house. Believe it or not, we had one final pollyanna celebration with M's family on 1/6/08.The family festivities officially began back on 12/23 when we had a large pollyanna gathering with my blended family. It was the first time in 6 years that we were all together (minus 2 nieces). It was wonderful to all be in the same place at the same time...my mom even opened up a 'time capsule' we had all contributed to at the last reunion 6 years ago. It was fun to see how much the kids had grown as she called them up by name and held a string up that represented their height or waist size 6 years ago. The adults were all quite relieved we didn't have strings representing our waist sizes :)!!We are just so blessed to have a blended family that enjoys being together.
Christmas Eve we attended our church for a wonderful program delivered from the perspective of Mary and Joseph-it was written by our pastor's 17 year old son which made it even more special. The songs and dramatic readings were quite moving. After this, we spent time at our neighbor's home-always a treat to get caught up with our neighbors who we never seem to see once the days get shorter. Then we headed down the street to another friends--such fun to be together and enjoy the richness of this Christmas season. Christmas Day we stayed home and were visited by Mimi and Pop-Pop and by my Las Vegas brother and his family. We were even blessed to have a visit with the K family who joined us for dessert...
The Thursday after Christmas, the big boys went across the bridge to their cousin's house and the girls had 2 of their cousins spend the night. It was a special treat to have our one niece with us since she and her family are on a sabbatical from their mission work in the Honduras. Hopefully we'll get to spend some time with them again before they head back over the wide blue ocean.
From 12/2907 until 1/1/08 we were in Maryland visiting our dear friends the C's. Between our 2 families there are 13 children so there is no shortage of activity and fun. Their oldest son just got engaged on Christmas Eve so it was fun to see him and his bride to be planning their early spring wedding! I still can't believe I'm old enough to have friends with kiddos getting married-yikes how quickly the years have flown by!
So, I guess it should come as no surprise that after almost 3 fun packed weeks of time off from school that our transition back should be a bit rocky.We have had many 'opportunities' for growth since we started back last Wednesday. Getting back into my old routine of early wake up and exercise time has also been a major challenge. I'm feeling those growing pains again...I was reminded of this prayer I saw on my Mom's computer desk:
O Christ, do not give me tasks equal to my powersBut give me power equal to my tasks.For I want to be stretched by things too great for me.I want to grow through the greatness of my tasks,But I shall need your help for the growing.Truly, mothering and schooling our 6 blessings continues to stretch me beyond my capabilities...this task is too great for me and I am so inadequate for the job. Yet, I take great comfort in knowing that "His grace is sufficient and His power is perfected in my weakness-when I am weak, then I am strong for Christ's power rests more perfectly on me." This is a good place to be at as we begin a new year...a place of utter dependency and helplessness. Apart from Him I can do nothing but I can do everything He has called me to do because He who called me is faithful...I just need to speak these truths to myself over and over again as I am tempted to become overwhelmed and struggle with unbelief.
Thanking Him for the growing pains and His all sufficient grace,
PS: Some household funnies:
**Before our Christmas break Mercy and L were having 'buddy time' in L's room while I attempted to do school with Odesco. I could hear a rather spirited interchange between these 2 and soon after L came stomping down the stairs begging me to make Mercy be quiet since she was 'sturbing'(disturbing) his peace as he tried to draw. I told him he needed to be long suffering to which he replied, "But Mooom, I AM suffering !!" oh, never a dull moment around here :)!!
** Odesco had his check up last week. This boy has grown! He grew 6.25 inches in height and 15 pounds in just a little over 1 year!! I told the doctor I feel like I am watching a puppy grow into his paws and he responded, "Yeah, a Saint Bernard!!" He is also on his 3rd pair of sneakers since coming home...it's amazing what balanced nutrition will do!
** The other night Mercy was making up songs...she was very excited to sing one to Daddy and I...I wish I had written the words down but it basically was about being happy where God puts you and that you need to obey God and your parents wherever He sends you.
For those of you who have followed our adventure this past year, I think you will understand why I had to wipe a tear away. Another evidence of God at work in our little girl's heart.
Our friends the McD's came over the bridge for a visit. This picture cracks me up... Mercy looks like a stylish granny, G is our pioneer girl and M is the resident flower child.
Cookie decorating with the cousins during their sleepover. L was sound asleep on the couch and missed all the festivities.
The adults- minus 3 (Jeff, Doug, and Rich where were you??)..didn't realize how hard it is to get a decent picture of everyone together...
Okay so my brother bought this shirt for himself...don't be fooled- it's just not true-is it Mom?? :) (Actually, we all took turns wearing it!!)
"The Lord has restored the years that the locust has eaten"...I so remember those lonely, quiet Christmases during my teenage years ...God has overwhelmed us with His mercy and goodness in giving us such a wonderful blended family!
The cousins- minus 2 who couldn't make it.
L was quite insistent that we make a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake this year, so we did :)
P and Las Vegas cousin, T with one of the gifts we bought for the family.It's a game called Speed Stacks. It comes with a timer and the kids competed all day...they are still playing with it. I even tried it-it's loads of fun. Believe it or not this is actually a competition sport!!
Christmas Day with Mimi - She gave them sewing baskets! Maybe they'll learn how to sew from my very accomplished seamstress mom and the girls can teach me :)
Fun in Maryland at the C's house~ Mercy and Odesco teach M the fine art of coconut bashing!
The little boys had a ball together...one big slumber party in the finished basement!
The girlies had their own corner of the basement too.
We had the privilege of babysitting a friend's little 15 month old. I have forgotten the joys/challenges of this age, the nonstop motion, and need to keep them attended to every second. It's been a while since I've had to prepare a meal with a little one on my hip :) Keeping C safe and attended to was no problem with the doting, watchful eyes of the 4 above! After C went home, 3 of the littles were begging for another baby in the house!! Mercy and G are bargaining for a Liberian baby and L said, " Mommy, I wouldn't care if you had a boy or a girl...I'd be happy with whatever God gives us!" Hated to burst their little bubbles but I did break the news that a baby is NOT in the picture...our quiver is full :) I told them that we would have to hear God speak directly before we would ever expand our family . Mercy took that as her cue and loudly prayed that God would speak to Mommy and Daddy. These kiddos are too funny!!
Daddy gave buzz cuts to the little boys while I was out running errands. Odesco is pretty handsome bald although he was having some misgivings about his bare head on Sunday morning as we prepared for church. He put on a hood and refused to take it off until he and Daddy had a long heart to heart...now he seems just fine :)
Our final Christmas Celebration... fun 'at the house with all the phones'. At least that's how I describe it to Mercy and Odesco so they know which Aunt/Uncle we are visiting! Uncle Paul collects old phones and has quite the collection-the kids have a ball playing with the real working switchboard and ringing/answering the many phones situated throughout the house---yep, even in the bathroom :)!! Above is G enjoying the coveted role as swtichboard operator.
Uncle Bill surprised all of us with these beautiful wardrobes for storing American Girl doll clothes and accessories. He made these from scratch...what a special keepsake for our little girls-he made G and Mercy their very own! Samantha and Addy don't have to share closet space :) Thanks, Uncle Bill-you made 4 little girls feel very special!!
Mercy has really been trying to figure out the B family tree... she was inquiring of one of my sister in laws who 'borned her.' Here she is asking Grandmom B whose belly she was born out of! She really has a true interest in this and has had me stumped a few times when asking details about my side of the family. She doesn't seem bothered at this time that she has a unique heritage from the rest of us. I'm only sorry I won't be able to fill in all the gaps for her regarding her own Liberian family tree. Thankfully we have a shared heritage in the Lord :)